Julian's Story

At Clarified, we have received a surplus of touching stories and tales from all of you lovely souls out there. We received one recently, so heart warming I simply had to share it with you all. As many of you know we create Individualised blends, where through consultation with a client we formulate a blend that is perfectly apt for whatever they need at this time in their lives. We also do this for children. A beautiful soul, named Kathryn, contacted us to arrange a blend for her son Julian.
As no one can capture the true nature of a child as best as the parent, I would be honoured to share Kathryn’s email to us. It reads: “Julian is an extremely sensitive, intuitive, bright, happy, beautiful 8 year old boy who is fighting a rare disease, Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome. TRAPS affects his joints, heart, liver & kidney functions & also causes extreme stomach pain. He at times goes days without being able to keep food/water down. He struggles with insomnia also. Despite all this Julian is still going to a "normal" school. When he has long periods away in hospital though he struggles coming back and making friends with kids at school, he is vegan and is always rescuing bugs/insects…which sometimes ends with him being taunted for being so caring towards these little creatures. Julian has anxiety being away from me at school too. He responds well to reiki and other alternative treatments at home, he sleeps with crystals and essential oils and was obsessed with the first necklace I purchased from you girls, so I thought having one of his own would be amazing for him!”
 Firstly, I had to wipe a tear from my cheek after reading this and then became obsessed with the idea of designing the perfect blend for this special child. Through research, I found oils that would benefit him holistically and lovingly prepared his special blend. A few weeks after receiving his necklace, we got an email from Kathryn. Attached was this photo of Julian, with his Individualise necklace. That face, that smile, its clear to see this child is going to have a positive impact on humanity. I asked Julian how he feels when he has his aromatherapy necklace with him; "When I'm wearing it I feel safe & protected. It calms the butterfly's in my tummy and when I'm feeling sick it makes me feel a little better!" Bless his cotton socks. 
When people reach out with such truth and an open heart, I feel honoured and blessed that I am able to assist in healing them, in any way I can. Most adults that identify with being an empath also identify with being that quirky child that may have been taunted for their sensitive outlook. There was no mistaking my own connection to Julian’s caring nature at that age, only furthering my desire to help him more. As our world grows and changes I wish to impart a calm strength to the sensitive children being born every year, the ones who will shape our world with kindness, our world will change for the better because of them. I am sure of it.
Our Children’s Individualise range is diluted at a safe level and can have wonderful effects on comforting, nurturing and strengthening their inner child. Using the right oils is the key. For example in Julian’s blend; Frankincense is a fantastic way to protect yourself from the negativity from others, Lavender can inhibit both physical and psychological stress and Bergamot can provide jovial energy, one that shines out through your eyes. There are many ailments we humans can suffer from; almost always you will find a particular essential oil that will aid in treating that condition, holistically. Our sense of smell can invoke strong emotional reactions. When we smell something pleasant we can be instantly uplifted, when we smell something pungent and putrid it elicits a negative response. Some people are so affected by smell they simply purge when near an unpleasant scent. It is good to be consciously aware of what scents trigger certain responses within you. It’s also great to remember that you can include a daily ritual of using essential oils for their vibrational healing value, whatever your ailment may be. Our necklaces are designed to provide you with this option – a noninvasive way to enhance your mood and emotional wellbeing. At Clarified, I wish to work with you to assist in creating the best version of yourself.
Email me at info@clarifieddesigns.com for a consultation.
All the warmth & love,
Rachel x